Quiz, please! Home
Quiz, please! Home is the home version of the game. Everything that you love to do with us at the bar, you can now arrange by yourself: at home, at work, on vacation or wherever you want.
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Quiz, please! Home
This is a play-at-home edition.
Split into teams if you want
But remember it's optional! You can play 1 to 1, with the whole
family or make it people vs cats!
You are your own quizmen
You can download the forms from the game page and print them
out for keeping track of everything. You can also write your
answers on pieces of paper. As long as you remember
your answers, anything goes!
Speaking of trust
If you trust the people you're playing with, check your answers yourself.
Otherwise, exchange your forms and check each other's answers. Or you can
just not check at all - your house, your rules, remember!?